To Stay or Not to Stay: The Counter Offer
To stay, or not to stay? When you receive a tempting counter offer from your current employer, the choice becomes a tough one. If you’re wondering what to consider when you’re ready to quit, but your employer hands you a big, juicy raise, check out my blog for the week.
Can I Switch Jobs Regularly?
Chances are you know someone who has been at the same company for 20+ years. Does the idea of being at the same place for that long give you an anxiety attack? If it does, I’ve got good news! Long gone are the days of spending decades at the same company. But how long should you stay? And what are the pros and cons of job hopping?
Grab a Drink and do Virtual Networking
Remember when you could go out and drink from one of those tiny plastic cups and eat hors d’ oeuvres on toothpicks? Oh, how I miss the good old days. Find out how to make the most out of networking in this new, completely virtual world. (Hint, it doesn’t have to suck).
Work from Home is Here to Stay
Life feels like a Twilight Zone episode since March, and people are itching to get back to normal life. But what if normal work life, meaning your old office, won’t be there when the pandemic is over? More and more companies are announcing work from home is here to stay. What does this mean for you?