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Women Supporting Women

Women Supporting Women

Dear Jenny,

I am one of the only women in my department at work. I’m up for a promotion, but there is only one open position and I’m in the running against many men. I’m worried that I’m going to get overlooked for this opportunity. I know I’m not the only woman to experience this and I was wondering what I can do to get out of my head and into the boardroom?


Lady Boss in the Making

Dear Lady Boss in the Making,


This is something I hear over and over again, especially from women working in predominantly male workplaces. You said in your letter that you aren’t the only woman in your department, and this makes me excited, because nothing is more powerful than women who support each other to rise the ranks.


A new study from the Harvard Business Review found that women in particular really benefit from having an inner circle of close female connections. In fact, the study found that women with a female support system are more likely to land executive positions. It’s also interesting to note that the same study found no equivalent link for men. 


We know that there is an unconscious bias adding an invisible hurdle for women to jump over to get a seat in the boardroom. Having close female connections, and a diverse range of them, allows you to learn what works, what doesn’t work, and learn from others on how they jumped over the hurdle.


If you feel like you need to strengthen these relationships, I suggest starting a biweekly power-hour lunch with some female friends and role models. It’s an opportunity to catch up, get advice, and be inspired by women who have experienced what you’re going through. 


What if you don’t have many women in your inner circle who can offer you work advice? Well, that’s what networking is for. And I could feel your eyes roll when you saw that naughty word. Networking doesn’t have to suck, especially when you go into an event knowing that you are looking for more than delivering a sales pitch and getting business cards. Be honest, and let the person know that you’re looking to build a relationship with business-minded, savvy women who can help each other grow. 9 out of 10 times, you’ll end up with a new member for your lady wolf pack. 


“Her victory is your victory. Celebrate with her. Your victory is her victory. Point to her.”

Power of The Pack by Abby Wamach


So let’s empower each other to be the next CEO, founder, or boss-lady, because if we don’t empower each other, no one is going to do it for us. There are still nearly 13 companies run by a man for every company run by a woman. Let’s change that.

